Residents Handbook
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Removals and Deliveries
- Removals or the delivery or collection of large or heavy items (whether singularly or as part of removals to or from the flat or in connection with any permitted alterations) must only occur between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Removals at weekends or on bank holidays are not permitted under any circumstances.
- Where removals into or out of a flat are to take place, you are requested to give the porters due notice so that they can ensure that protection measures are taken for the lift car and that the removals can be monitored to limit the possibility of damage. Where damage is caused to the common parts or the lifts by residents, contractors, delivery persons or furniture removals the cost of making good the damage will be recovered from the flat owner concerned and it is therefore most important that all such personnel are properly supervised.
- With the rise in popularity of internet food shopping the number of deliveries by supermarkets is increasing. Damage has been caused to the common parts by such deliveries and here again appropriate supervision should be provided. You are also requested to ensure that the delivery of groceries is at a reasonable hour i.e., not before 8.00am and no later than 8.00pm.
- Noise is the biggest cause of complaint in any block of flats. It is imperative that all residents are mindful of their neighbours and the disturbance that they may be inadvertently causing. The leases of all flats are in the same terms and require that no noise is made, nor music or televisions played so as to be audible outside the confines of any flat, particularly between the hours of 11.00pm and 7.00am. Outside of those times noise or sounds must not be at a level that would give rise to reasonable complaints from other occupiers of the building.
Works to Flats
- Clearly works of repair, maintenance and refurbishment give rise to noises that are unavoidable and almost certainly will be heard outside the confines of the flat. For this reason, such works are only permitted between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday and not at all at weekends or on bank holidays. This restriction includes DIY work. Noisy work should also cease between 1 and 2 p.m. to allow residents a break.
- It is important for the health and safety of all residents that contractors used for repairs and maintenance work are suitably qualified. This is most especially the case in respect of plumbing, electrical repairs and work involving gas appliances or installations. You are asked to ensure that the porters are made aware of any contractors that will be attending at your flat so that their activities can be monitored, especially with regard to the common parts.
- Flat owners are reminded that any works that involve altering the layout of the flat, removing or making holes in the walls or changes to the plumbing installations require the prior consent of St John’s Wood Court Limited and an application for such permission must be made to Faraday Property Management as the Managing Agents.
Floor Coverings
- The Leases require that the floors of all flats be covered with underlay and carpet so as to effectively deaden sound. The only exception to this rule is in respect of the kitchen and bathrooms. If you wish to have timber or hard flooring in your flat you will therefore require the specific permission of the Freeholder which will only be given where proper and adequate sound insulating material is provided and the floor is laid in such a way as to prevent disturbance to the flat beneath. Even where permission for hard flooring is given, this will contain a caveat requiring the floor to be covered with underlay and carpet if reasonable complaints of disturbance are subsequently received. The laying of timber or hard floors is therefore very much at the risk of the Lessee.
Housekeeping and Refuse
- The common parts must not be obstructed in any way. Both the main stairs and the service stairs (where these exist) are designated fire escape routes and as such must be kept totally clear at all times. Any items left in the common parts are liable to be removed without notice and the cost of removal and disposal will be charged to the relevant flat owner.
- The communal rubbish bins are for household rubbish or recycling only. Liquids and sharp items must be disposed of safely for the health and safety of the staff and other residents. The disposal of large items, furniture, cardboard boxes and packaging associated with deliveries is the responsibility of the resident and not the porters and under no circumstances are these to be left on the stairs. If you have items that you wish to dispose of, the porters can give you the relevant telephone number at Westminster City Council and they will arrange a collection for a small charge.
- If your flat has a balcony, please be aware that it should be kept clear and not used for the storage of articles. Of particular importance is the necessity of keeping the drain outlet free and clear especially on enclosed balconies. If these become blocked water ingress to the flat is a real danger.
Parcels and Packages
- You will appreciate that there is a high volume of parcels arriving on a daily basis and unfortunately storage space is very limited. Wherever possible residents should be at home to take receipt of their parcels. Due to lack of space NO large items can be accepted by the porters. If you are aware that a parcel is due to be delivered when you are out, please assist the porters by checking at the reception desk on your return to collect your parcels. Please note that in taking delivery of parcels on your behalf the porters accept no responsibility for them. If a parcel is to be returned to the sender, then it should be returned to the post office or taken to an alternative collection point and not left at the porters’ desk.
- Parking on the forecourt is not permitted. It may be used solely for setting down and picking up. The parking spaces are all privately owned and therefore can only be used with the prior permission of the owner of that space.
- Subletting requires prior consent and if you wish to let your property, please provide Faraday Property Management with copies of references/ID checks and the letting agreement. Once the documentation is reviewed, Faraday will issue consent to let your property on behalf of St. John’s Wood Court Ltd.